Update on the Semantic Web journal transparent and open review process

An article has just been published in the IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Social Networking E-Letter, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2015, with an update on the Semantic Web journal transparent and open review process. Our previous article which appeared in Learned Publishing in 2012 was quite a bit outdated by now.


Pascal Hitzler, Krzysztof Janowicz, The Semantic Web Journal Review Process: Transparent and Open. In: Rene Kaiser, Elisabeth Lex and Peter Kraker (ed.), "Science 2.0", IEEE Computer Society Special Technical Community on Social Networking E-Letter, vol. 3, no. 1, June 2015.

Krzysztof Janowicz, Pascal Hitzler, Open and transparent: the review process of the Semantic Web journal. Learned Publishing 25 (1), 48-55, 2012.